Three Tips for Using Images on Blog Posts

When a visitor logs on to your blog, the very first impression that he forms about your portal is through images. So, by using graphics in the right manner, you can instantly engage a visitor’s attention.

Conversely, improper placement of images or crowding the blog with graphics can ruin the effect because then, pictures become more of a distraction than an enticement. Strategic placement of images in business blogs can enhance visual appeal, in addition to adding depth to the content presented on the page.

Plan your layout

Usually, a blog has two kinds of images – one that comes with the background and the other that you paste on the page. Always ensure that these images do not clash. In order to achieve this, you need to plan the layout of the blog.

A background is meant to highlight the foreground content by providing a contrast. So, choose a background that does not overshadow the content and images that are posted on the page. You can plan your layout so as to use small images for headers, footers and sidebars.

All images used should cumulatively make the layout look homogenous. Improper placement looks much disorganized, which can be nearly fatal for business blogs, since these blogs are meant to establish efficiency of the company.

Choose images wisely

You can choose from a wide variety of images. However, the image chosen should correlate with the content of the blog. Several blog writing services provide you with pictures that go with the content and so, hiring one such service can be a good idea.

If you choose images by yourself, always be aware about the rules of image infringement. Several sites and blogs hold copyrights for the images posted on their pages. Copy-pasting such pictures can land you in trouble.

You can choose suitable pictures from free directories or blog platforms such as WordPress. If you are looking for high definition images, the best places are sites that sell photographs.


For blogs, small images are always preferred because content should be the highlight of the page. Images must always be used as a complement to the content. The optimum size of images for blogs is 800 x 600 pixels and not more than that.

You can use photo editing programs to resize images without blurring or distorting image proportion. However, remember to resize images before you post them on business blogs. If you use screenshots, they can be bigger only if they are meant to be the main aspect of the page.

Well placed and well sized images help in breaking the monotony of the text and make the blog look more interesting.

It is also important that you maintain originality of images. An image that a visitor has seen a hundred times over in different blogs does not fulfill the objective of posting it. In other words, a common image does not arouse curiosity and interest in the visitor.

You can, however, choose a relevant picture, use software such as PhotoShop to alter images and infuse them with an element of uniqueness. Also, try not to use animated images on your blog because visitors who have slow internet connection cannot enjoy them.

Photo Credit: VaMedia