Link Building through Article Directories
Article marketing has emerged as THE most powerful tool in recent times to increase traffic to any website. People who are resourceful and innovative use it as the nuke in their arsenal; it is the answer to almost any and all of their marketing and advertisement needs. You can take the help of any article writing service if you want; after all, it’s hard keeping so many loose ends together. If you want to try and do it yourself though, here are some tips to help you create appropriate content for your website and make your presence felt.
The key-WORD is the KEY
Select a good keyword for effective and efficient article marketing. Use professional tools to make sure your article gets found. You may be talented and can make battle tanks out of toothpicks, but if nobody reads what you write, it’s all useless. A good keyword that comes up in search results in major search engines will ensure good viewership. The more unique your keywords are, the better chances are there for it to have less competition; i.e. there will be fewer pages accompanying your page in a search. Use multiple keywords to ensure your article gets picked up in a wider range of searches by keywords.
No NON-sense
Write articles that make sense and help others such as how to do stuff, or what to do in situations. That way, if your suggestions actually work, people will come to you for more help in future. You may soon be regarded as an expert in your field.
The Missing Link
Include links within your article that explain certain contents of your article in detail. For example, if you are writing about lawn mowing, instead of writing pages after pages pages to describe what a lawnmower is, hyperlink a page that has already done so, or an article where you have already explained so.
Staying on TOP-ic
It is very important to STICK TO THE TOPIC. When writing about philately, you do not need to go into the details of how paper was invented. Keep the reader interested. Stick to the topic and make sense while at it. Filling pages with unnecessary information will not get you any recognition.
Be punctual and consistent. An article a day or two is okay. But stick to it. Don’t do one today and the following a week and a half later. For best results, submit an article each and every day for at least a month and watch the traffic to your website grow.
The more articles you submit outside, the more exposure you will get. In this regard, it is best to say that your content should be unique. Google does not need 2000 articles saying the same thing. But if 20 of your articles are unique and those 2000 backtrack to your page, then Google will prioritize your page as important. That’s the way to draw attention!
Be Used
It is important to copyright your content for proper article marketing. But let other bloggers use your content on their website, only if they give you credit. That way your publicity will increase exponentially. It is the best form of advertising without investments.